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About 99% of the people I have trained over the past 25 years say that they eat ​pretty healthy. After analyzing hundreds of my clients nutrition, I would say about 5% of my clients ate well. What I mean by well is they are eating the correct ratio of macros, micros and calories. Tracking your macros and micros is where losing weight or gaining weight starts, you can't work off a bad diet.

Do you know that most people quit their new year's weight loss program in 10 days or less? The main reason is that they just workout with weights or use useless gym machines and pay very little attention to a CONSISTENT diet plan. You can lift weights and jog on a treadmill all you want, but not much will happen on the scale or with your clothes until you know your macros, micros and calories. I'll say it again, "You Can't Work Off A Bad Diet"

The best way to track your macros, micros & calories is logging every single morsel you put into your mouth, I recommend using the free My Fitness Pal app. It is so easy to use and keeps track of everything you enter so you can select it again later and not have to re-enter foods. You can take a picture of the barcode on the box and it shows up on your food list (HINT: there are very few foods that come in a box that you should eat). There are some good YouTube videos that can teach you how to use it. This app will give you a complete breakdown of all your macros and some micros.

You have to cut way back on salt, a teaspoon of salt holds a pint of water in your body. A lot of your weight could be just holding water, which can lead to high blood pressure and other health related issues.You should not go over 1500 mg of sodium a day unless directed by a Dr.

You have to cut way back on your carbs. One ounce of stored carbs can hold three ounces of water. I love pizza, hoagies & Chinese food, but they are some the worst foods for holding water because of the high salt and carb content.

Let me know if you need help,


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